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National File is a bold media project, focused on hard news regarding cultural movements, political issues, the tech industry, and other topics pertaining to America First.

Our team includes distinguished journalists with previous experience at War Room, Breitbart, The Daily Caller, Big League Politics, Free Beacon, and The Washington Times.

National File Editorial Team

Noel Fritsch  – Noel Fritsch is the Founder and Publisher of National File. Fritsch operate at the junction of populism, media, and policy. He has worked to pass 2nd amendment Constitutional Carry legislation in a half dozen states, worked to push the Benghazi hearings out of Boehner’s House Committees in 2013, and has operated at the center of every challenge to GOP House Speakers over the last decade. Fritsch has brought well-funded challenges to top appropriators and party brass in high federal office (e.g: Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell, Thad Cochran), and has published some of the most read news items on the internet, including the Ralph Northam Black Face/Klan Hood scandal, the (credible) Justin Fairfax allegations, the Cal Cunningham and Van Taylor scandals, and the Ashley Biden Diary. 

Contrary to fake news reports, Alex Jones does not own and has never owned National File. 

Patrick Howley – Patrick Howley, National File’s Senior Reporter, is a veteran journalist who, since beginning his career, exposed the V.A. scandal, Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam’s blackface yearbook photo, and now at National File, North Carolina Democrat Senate Candidate Cal Cunningham’s potentially illegal affair.

Twitter: @HowleyReporter

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