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With respect to the assertion that, "Zionist outlets like The Wall Street Journal have also taken a hardline stance against" Gaetz, I wouldn't characterize the established mass media as Zionist.

In The German Ideology, Karl Marx wrote:

"The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas, i.e. the class which is the ruling material force of society, is at the same time its ruling intellectual force. The class which has the means of material production at its disposal, has control at the same time over the means of mental production, so that thereby, generally speaking, the ideas of those who lack the means of mental production are subject to it." (Ruling Class and Ruling Ideas)

So, in the material plane--including the psychological plane--the WSJ can be described as a "ruling class mass-communications medium." And because the ruling class is both capitalist and global, the WSJ can be described as a "global capitalist mass-communications medium," or a "global capitalist" outlet.

On a higher plane, we must recognize the truth of Ephesians 6:12, which reads, "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual [forces] of wickedness in the heavenly places."

How do we know that we are not wrestling against flesh and blood? Because the ruling class openly worships Satan and practices human sacrifice. They don't love children--which is what pedophilia means; rather, they abuse and murder children because it gives them power. Their system has been named by Jessie Czebotar, and it is called the Luciferian Brotherhood.

What does this have to do with the Wall Street Journal? As Tucker Carlson has said, the mass media are controlled by the intelligence agencies. Who controls the intelligence agencies? The Luciferian Brotherhood. Therefore, the WSJ is, in truth, a Luciferian outlet.

And to clear up some universal misunderstandings about Israel, the state was created by the Rothschild family. The Rothschilds aren't even human: they are human-reptilian hybrids who worship Lucifer. In fact, the head of the family is the pindar on the Satanic Council. (If you don't know what a pindar is, the Washington monument is one.)

As Svali has testified, the Luciferians hate two things: YHWH and Yeshua, and the Jewish people. The Luciferians (through the Sanhedrin) control both Israel and Hamas. The government's bombing of Palestinians, Lebanon and Syria are intended to engender hatred for the Jewish people. Organizations such as the ADL laid the foundation for this by claiming that any criticism of the Israeli government was a criticism of Jews everywhere, which creates the impression that Jews everywhere support what the Israeli government does.

The Israeli government had its puppet, Hamas, carry out the Oct. 7 attack so that it could respond with far more violence. This was calculated to engender hatred for all Jews. The CIA's MK-Ultra mind-control programming is responsible for student protests, for example, and the beating of Israeli soccer fans in Amsterdam.

This is the reason why Trump would never allow expressions of hatred towards Israel: he knew what the Luciferians' plan was all along.

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