The background of military leadership and sexual assault needs to be brought to the forefront.
Cathy O'Brien ( revealed in TRANCE Formation of America (1995) the extent to which the U.S. government was deploying mind control science against Americans. In her documentary, Trance, she explains that mind control goes back to the Nazi takeover of the U.S. after WWII, with the knowledge and participation of Truman. Truman re-structured the Armed Forces in 1947, placing control over them in the hands of 12 Satanists called The Majestic 12.
MK Ultra is high-tech Satanic ritual abuse. As many times as I have stated this well proven fact, no one has had the moral courage to repeat it.
Mind control ALWAYS involves extreme trauma. The trauma is used not only to program a child, but to compartmentalize the memory of the trauma in an "alter" or "part" that remains a child. The front personalities don't remember the fact of the trauma, and a wilfully ignorant society pretends that the signs and symptoms of the trauma are "mental illness" that just appeared from nothing.
As I've exposed in many Substack posts, everyone in the miltary has been at risk of traum-based mind control. All officers have been subjected to trauma-based mind control. One of the goals of Satanic ritual abuse, aka MK Ultra, is to turn every victim into a perpetrator. (
The effect on the military is that you won't find an experienced officer who hasn't been compromised in some way by this. Ernst knows we are not talking about a normal man who enjoys a drink and likes women, so I don't know what kind of game she's playing.
She should vote on what the people in her state want (Trump's agenda and judgment), not what she personally wants.
The background of military leadership and sexual assault needs to be brought to the forefront.
Cathy O'Brien ( revealed in TRANCE Formation of America (1995) the extent to which the U.S. government was deploying mind control science against Americans. In her documentary, Trance, she explains that mind control goes back to the Nazi takeover of the U.S. after WWII, with the knowledge and participation of Truman. Truman re-structured the Armed Forces in 1947, placing control over them in the hands of 12 Satanists called The Majestic 12.
Sue Ford expanded on the history of mind control in Thanks for the Memories (1999), which you can read online here:
MK Ultra is high-tech Satanic ritual abuse. As many times as I have stated this well proven fact, no one has had the moral courage to repeat it.
Mind control ALWAYS involves extreme trauma. The trauma is used not only to program a child, but to compartmentalize the memory of the trauma in an "alter" or "part" that remains a child. The front personalities don't remember the fact of the trauma, and a wilfully ignorant society pretends that the signs and symptoms of the trauma are "mental illness" that just appeared from nothing.
As I've exposed in many Substack posts, everyone in the miltary has been at risk of traum-based mind control. All officers have been subjected to trauma-based mind control. One of the goals of Satanic ritual abuse, aka MK Ultra, is to turn every victim into a perpetrator. (
The effect on the military is that you won't find an experienced officer who hasn't been compromised in some way by this. Ernst knows we are not talking about a normal man who enjoys a drink and likes women, so I don't know what kind of game she's playing.